Community Health Nursing II
Enfermagem de Saúde Comunitária II
Course code:9500314
Paula Helena Loução Paulo Sarreira Nunes de Oliveira
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- Identify strategies for health promotion and risk reduction throughout the life cycle, aiming at health gains.
- Acquire knowledge that enables the student to conceive and provide health care to the person, family and community.
- Analyze the specificity of family health care needs throughout the life cycle.
- Reflect and understand the importance of family nursing in the context of health care.
- Reflect on the role of the nurse as care manager.
- Understands strategies for strengthening actions in the field of health promotion, prevention and eradication of preventable diseases, and continuity of care among individuals, families and other community groups.
- Mobilizes knowledge using critical thinking.
- Looks at the person, family and community in a holistic perspective taking into account the various determinants of health.
- Generates and interpret information from different sources, with a view to the systematization of knowledge based on scientific evidence.
- Produces a personal and reasoned discourse, taking into account different perspectives on the problem of nursing in the family.
- Knows how to mobilize the knowledge needed to solve problems.
- Recognizes the potential of health education in nursing interventions and acts to empower the individual, family, and community in the adoption of healthy lifestyles.
- Applies knowledge about resources, using appropriate teaching-learning strategies.
- Evaluates processes and results for health promotion integrated into teamwork.
- Values research as a contribution to the development of nursing and as a means to improve standards of care.
- Recognizes the potential of health education in nursing interventions
- Public and community health.
- Applications of epidemiology in community health.
- Epidemiological research.
- Epidemiological surveillance and public health.
- National Health Plan.
- Project methodology.
- Public health projects.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Gordis L (2010). Epidemiologia. 4th ed. Loures: Lusodidacta.
- Mausner JS. (2009). Introdução à Epidemiologia. 5th ed. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
- Figueiredo MH (2012). Modelo dinâmico de avaliação e intervenção familiar - Uma Abordagem Colaborativa em Enfermagem de Família. Loures: Lusociência.
- Stanhope M & Lancaster J (2011). Enfermagem de saúde pública. 7th ed. Loures: Lusociência.
- Wright L & Leahey M (2010). Enfermeiras e Famílias: Um Guia para Avaliação e Intervenção na Família. 5th ed. São Paulo: Editora Roca.
- Sousa L, Figueiredo D & Cerqueira M (2004). Envelhecer em Família. Os Cuidados Familiares na Velhice. Porto: Ambar.
- Pereira Lopes MA (org.)(2013). O cuidado de enfermagem à pessoa idosa: da investigação à prática. Loures: Lusociência.
- Silva CA, Fossatti AF & Portella MR (2007). Percepção do Homem Idoso em Relação às Transformações decorrentes do processo de Envelhecimento Humano. Estudos Interdisciplinares de Envelhecimento, 12, 111-126.