
Community Health Nursing II2

Enfermagem de Saúde Comunitária II

Course code:9500314

Paula Helena Loução Paulo Sarreira Nunes de Oliveira

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:


  • Identify strategies for health promotion and risk reduction throughout the life cycle, aiming at health gains.
  • Acquire knowledge that enables the student to conceive and provide health care to the person, family and community.
  • Analyze the specificity of family health care needs throughout the life cycle.
  • Reflect and understand the importance of family nursing in the context of health care.
  • Reflect on the role of the nurse as care manager.


  • Understands strategies for strengthening actions in the field of health promotion, prevention and eradication of preventable diseases, and continuity of care among individuals, families and other community groups.
  • Mobilizes knowledge using critical thinking.
  • Looks at the person, family and community in a holistic perspective taking into account the various determinants of health.
  • Generates and interpret information from different sources, with a view to the systematization of knowledge based on scientific evidence.
  • Produces a personal and reasoned discourse, taking into account different perspectives on the problem of nursing in the family.
  • Knows how to mobilize the knowledge needed to solve problems.
  • Recognizes the potential of health education in nursing interventions and acts to empower the individual, family, and community in the adoption of healthy lifestyles.
  • Applies knowledge about resources, using appropriate teaching-learning strategies.
  • Evaluates processes and results for health promotion integrated into teamwork.
  • Values research as a contribution to the development of nursing and as a means to improve standards of care.
  • Recognizes the potential of health education in nursing interventions
  1. Public and community health.
  2. Applications of epidemiology in community health.
  3. Epidemiological research.
  4. Epidemiological surveillance and public health.
  5. National Health Plan.
  6. Project methodology.
  7. Public health projects.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Gordis L (2010). Epidemiologia. 4th ed. Loures: Lusodidacta.
  • Mausner JS. (2009). Introdução à Epidemiologia. 5th ed. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
  • Figueiredo MH (2012). Modelo dinâmico de avaliação e intervenção familiar - Uma Abordagem Colaborativa em Enfermagem de Família. Loures: Lusociência.
  • Stanhope M & Lancaster J (2011). Enfermagem de saúde pública. 7th ed. Loures: Lusociência.
  • Wright L & Leahey M (2010). Enfermeiras e Famílias: Um Guia para Avaliação e Intervenção na Família. 5th ed. São Paulo: Editora Roca.
  • Sousa L, Figueiredo D & Cerqueira M (2004). Envelhecer em Família. Os Cuidados Familiares na Velhice. Porto: Ambar.
  • Pereira Lopes MA (org.)(2013). O cuidado de enfermagem à pessoa idosa: da investigação à prática. Loures: Lusociência.
  • Silva CA, Fossatti AF & Portella MR (2007). Percepção do Homem Idoso em Relação às Transformações decorrentes do processo de Envelhecimento Humano. Estudos Interdisciplinares de Envelhecimento, 12, 111-126.