
Clinical Education II2

Educação Clínica II

Course code:9504215

Sérgio Manuel Mateus Silvestre de Campos Simões

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The CU Clinical Education II aims to Promote contact with the practice of physical therapy in the clinical context, focusing on learning the clinical records (medical history and physical examination), based on the model of clinical reasoning in physiotherapy, developing the capacity to decide. Critical analysis of literature related to the effectiveness of intervention.

The students must acquire the necessary skills:

  • Instrumental: To assess clients with musculoskeletal and cardio disorders. To analyze the information to plan and develop strategies. Select, implement and assess, safely and efficiently. Correctly record the assessment and the intervention.
  • Interpersonal: To show knowledge of procedures for individual and /or team work. Understanding the dimensional and spatial-temporal relationships, developing reasoning and decision-making. To know how to communicate clinical information accurately.
  • Systemic: To reflect on the selection of evaluation systems. Apply the knowledge gained on using resources effectively and efficiently. Develop skills, competencies, behaviors and attitudes appropriate to the physiotherapist in the clinical setting.
All content taught in theoretical, theoretical-practical and practical precedent, with great emphasis at:
  1. Physical therapist attitudes and behaviour in clinical context
  2. The verbal and nonverbal communication in Physiotherapy
  3. Assessment and registration in physical therapy
  4. The value of teamwork, interaction with other members of the healthcare team and duties performed by them
  5. The presentation of patients / clients with musculoskeletal disorders and cardiorespiratory as well as their plans and practice rehabilitation techniques
  6. The concept and practice of subjective and objective examination and its importance in developing the intervention plan
  7. The problem definition, objectives in the short and long term and the corresponding specified plan of action, when needed
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Kisner C, Colby LA (2005) Exercícios terapêuticos: Fundamentos e Técnicas. 4th ed. São Paulo: Manole.
  • Magge D (2002) Avaliação Músculo-esquelética. 3rd ed. São Paulo: Manole.
  • Petersen CM (2003) Testes de Movimento Ativos e Passivos. São Paulo: Manole.
  • Petty NJ (2006) Avaliação Neuro-músculo-esquelética: Um manual para terapeutas. 3rd ed. Loures: Lusodidacta.
  • Serra LMA, Oliveira AF, Costa e Castro J (2012) Critérios Fundamentais em Fraturas e Ortopedia 3rd ed. Lisboa: Lidel