Respiratory and Cardiovascular Pathology
Patologia Respiratória e Cardiovascular
Course code:9504204
Jorge Celso Dias Correia da Fonseca
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
After attending the course, students should be able to:
- Know and understand the pathophysiology and the clinical picture of the main cardiac, vascular and respiratory conditions, in which the physiotherapist intervenes in his / her clinical practice;
- Know and understand the epidemiology, evolution and prognosis of the main cardiac, vascular and respiratory conditions / conditions, in which the physiotherapist intervenes in his/her clinical practice;
- Identify and understand the main complementary diagnostic tests used in cardiology and pneumatology and learn how to interpret their results in the context of physical therapy intervention;
- Know and understand the different therapeutic approaches (pharmacological, surgical and others) in the main pathologies / cardiac, vascular and respiratory conditions, in which the physiotherapist intervenes in its clinical practice.
Respiratory Disorders:
- Semiology of respiratory disorders.
- Obstructive disorders. Asthma. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- Infectious disorders. Pneumonia. Abscess. Tuberculosis.
- Lung cancer.
- Disorders of the pleura.
- Interstitial lung diseases. Sarcoidosis.
- Respiratory failure.
- Intensive care in Respiratory Disorders.
Cardiovascular Disorders:
- Semiology of cardiovascular diseases.
- Key complementary means used in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.
- Atherosclerosis.
- Coronary Heart Disease. Peripheral Vascular Disease.
- Arterial Hypertension.
- Disease of the aortic valve. Diseases of the mitral valve.
- Cardiac insufficiency.
- Heart rhythm disorders.
- Endocarditis.
- Myocardial diseases.
- Pericardial Diseases.
Suggested Bibliography:
- McPhee SJ, Lingappa, VR, Ganong WF (2005) Pathophysiology of Disease. An Introduction to Clinical Medicine. 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, EUA. ISBN-10: 007144159X
- Stevens A, Lowe J. (2000) Pathology. Mosby-Year Book, 2nd Edition. ISBN-10: 0723431604 (Stevens A, Lowe J. (2004) Patologia. Editora Manole, Tamboré, Brasil. ISBN-85-204-1267-X
- Longo D, Fauci A, Kasper D, Hauser S, Jameson J, Loscalzo J. (2011) Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 18th Edition. McGraw Hill, New York, EUA. ISBN-10: 007174889X