
Assessment Techniques in Physiotherapy II2

Técnicas de Avaliação em Fisioterapia II

Course code:9504208

José Eduardo Cruz Ressurreição

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • Identify the role of physiotherapy in the context of the phenomenon of musculoskeletal injuries
  • Identify the objectives of assessment and intervention in this area
  • Define general and specific objectives
  • Plan appropriate to the needs of individual treatment programs
  • Insert your correct assessment and intervention
  • Mastering, apply and perform some appropriate techniques and musculoskeletal area methods
  1. Assessment and registration in physiotherapy
  2. Joint and muscular evaluation
  3. Introduction to Muscle Testing
  4. Mobilization methods and techniques
  5. Functional training
  6. Mechotherapy
  7. Electrotherapy
  8. Teaching of the bases of physical agents: superficial thermotherapy in all its therapeutic aspects
  9. Methods and techniques of Physiotherapy in traumatology and orthopedics and vascular surgery
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Petty NJ (2007) Exame e avaliação Neuro-músculo-esquelética: Um manual para terapeutas. Loures: Lusodidacta
  • Cleland J (2005) Orthopedic Clinical Examination. Icon Learning Systems.
  • Carvalho JA (2003) – Amputações dos membros inferiores – Em busca da plena reabilitação. 2nd ed. São Paulo: Manole.
  • Cassar MP (2001) – Manual de Massagem Terapêutica. Editora Manole.