Assessment Techniques in Physiotherapy II
Técnicas de Avaliação em Fisioterapia II
Course code:9504208
José Eduardo Cruz Ressurreição
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
At the end of the course students should be able to:
- Identify the role of physiotherapy in the context of the phenomenon of musculoskeletal injuries
- Identify the objectives of assessment and intervention in this area
- Define general and specific objectives
- Plan appropriate to the needs of individual treatment programs
- Insert your correct assessment and intervention
- Mastering, apply and perform some appropriate techniques and musculoskeletal area methods
- Assessment and registration in physiotherapy
- Joint and muscular evaluation
- Introduction to Muscle Testing
- Mobilization methods and techniques
- Functional training
- Mechotherapy
- Electrotherapy
- Teaching of the bases of physical agents: superficial thermotherapy in all its therapeutic aspects
- Methods and techniques of Physiotherapy in traumatology and orthopedics and vascular surgery
Suggested Bibliography:
- Petty NJ (2007) Exame e avaliação Neuro-músculo-esquelética: Um manual para terapeutas. Loures: Lusodidacta
- Cleland J (2005) Orthopedic Clinical Examination. Icon Learning Systems.
- Carvalho JA (2003) – Amputações dos membros inferiores – Em busca da plena reabilitação. 2nd ed. São Paulo: Manole.
- Cassar MP (2001) – Manual de Massagem Terapêutica. Editora Manole.