Physiotherapy in Special Populations III
Fisioterapia em Populações Especiais III
Course code:9504402
Sónia Cristina da Silva Vicente
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
At the end of the course students should be able to:
Instrumental skills
- Describe the various stages of pregnancy;
- Describe the stages of labor;
- Describe the different types of urinary incontinence;
- Describe the various stages of normal development of the baby at term and preterm.
Interpersonal skills
- Identify the specific needs of the mother and newborn, and family;
- Identify the objectives of physical therapist intervention in these areas.
Systemic skills
- Integrate the course content in a global perspective of physiotherapy care;
- Contextualizing the intervention model of maternal and child therapy, through critical reflection on the actions taken in these areas;
- Consider the advantages of the various models.
- The role of the physiotherapist in Women’s Health
- Pregnancy and parenting
- Puerperium and complications
- Relaxation and breathing control
- Pregnancy and postnatal exercise
- Urinary Incontinence
- Definition
- Epidemiology
- Anatomo physiology of pelvic floor
- Types of Urinary Incontinence
- Stress Incontinence
- Urge Incontinence
- Urge Mixed Incontinence
- Assessment tools
- Introduction
- Physiotherapy in Pediatric conditions
- Baby in the XXI century
- Pediatric Evaluation
- Register
- Planning
- Defining Goals
- The Multidisciplinary Team
- Most frequent pathologies in Pediatrics
- Early Intervention
- Neurobehavioral Evaluation (theoretical / practical notions)
- Touch Points
- N.B.A.S. Scale Prof. Brazelton
- Stages of consciousness
- Early baby abilities
- The premature baby and their characteristics
- Cerebral Palsy - Definition, types, characteristics and problems
- Alert signs. High risk of postural profile
- Baby's needs
- Neurologic Reflexs
- Psychomotor development of normal children (0-5 years old)
- Placements. Handling babies guide
- Critical points for intervention. Education for Parents / Empathy / treatment adherence
- Intervention techniques (Bobath)
- Facilitation
- Key points of control
Suggested Bibliography:
- Bø K, Berghmans B, Mørkved S, Van Kampen M (eds.) (2015) Evidence-Based Physical Therapy for the Pelvic Floor. 2nd Ed., Elsevier
- Brandão S, Da Roza T, Ramos I & Mascarenhas T (2018) (Ed). Women'S Health And Biomechanics. Where Medicine And Engineering Meet. Cham: Springer.
- Brazelton TB, Sparrow JD (2003) A criança dos 3 aos 6 anos – O desenvolvimento emocional e do comportamento, 1st ed., Editorial Presença. ISBN: 9789722319300
- Chamberlain D (2003) A mente do seu recém-nascido. 1st ed., Hugin Editores. ISBN 972-794-172-9
- Finnie NR (2000) O manuseio em casa da criança com paralisia cerebral. 3rd ed., Editora Manole. ISBN: 9788520410394
- KNGF Guideline for Physical Therapy in patients with Stress urinary incontinence (2011) Supplement to the Dutch Journal of Physical Therapy; 121 (3)
- Laycock J & Haslam J (eds.) (2007) Therapeutic management of incontinence and pelvic pain: pelvic organ disorders. 2nd Ed., London: Springer-Verlag.
- Mottola M, Davenport M, Ruchat S-M, Davies G, Poitras V, Gray C, Zehr L (2018) 2019 Canadian guideline for physical activity throughout pregnancy. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52,1339–1346.
- Souza E (2007) Fisioterapia Aplicada à Obstetrícia: Aspetos de Ginecologia e Neonatologia. 4th ed. Rio de Janeiro : MEDSI - Editora Médica e Científica Lda.