
Physiotherapy in Special Populations III2

Fisioterapia em Populações Especiais III

Course code:9504402

Sónia Cristina da Silva Vicente

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

At the end of the course students should be able to:

Instrumental skills
  • Describe the various stages of pregnancy;
  • Describe the stages of labor;
  • Describe the different types of urinary incontinence;
  • Describe the various stages of normal development of the baby at term and preterm.
Interpersonal skills
  • Identify the specific needs of the mother and newborn, and family;
  • Identify the objectives of physical therapist intervention in these areas.
Systemic skills
  • Integrate the course content in a global perspective of physiotherapy care;
  • Contextualizing the intervention model of maternal and child therapy, through critical reflection on the actions taken in these areas;
  • Consider the advantages of the various models.
  1. The role of the physiotherapist in Women’s Health
  2. Pregnancy and parenting
  3. Puerperium and complications
  4. Relaxation and breathing control
  5. Pregnancy and postnatal exercise
  6. Urinary Incontinence
    • Definition
    • Epidemiology
  7. Anatomo physiology of pelvic floor
  8. Types of Urinary Incontinence
    • Stress Incontinence
    • Urge Incontinence
    • Urge Mixed Incontinence
  9. Assessment tools
  1. Introduction
    • Physiotherapy in Pediatric conditions
    • Baby in the XXI century
  2. Pediatric Evaluation
    • Register
    • Planning
    • Defining Goals 
  3. The Multidisciplinary Team
  4. Most frequent pathologies in Pediatrics
  5. Early Intervention
  6. Neurobehavioral Evaluation (theoretical / practical notions)
    • Touch Points
    • N.B.A.S. Scale Prof. Brazelton
    • Stages of consciousness
  7. Early baby abilities
  8. The premature baby and their characteristics
  9. Cerebral Palsy - Definition, types, characteristics and problems
  10. Alert signs. High risk of postural profile
  11. Baby's needs
  12. Neurologic Reflexs
  13. Psychomotor development of normal children (0-5 years old)
  14. Placements. Handling babies guide
  15. Critical points for intervention. Education for Parents / Empathy / treatment adherence
  16. Intervention techniques (Bobath)
    • Facilitation
    • Key points of control
Suggested Bibliography:
  1. Bø K, Berghmans B, Mørkved S, Van Kampen M (eds.) (2015) Evidence-Based Physical Therapy for the Pelvic Floor. 2nd Ed., Elsevier
  2. Brandão S, Da Roza T, Ramos I & Mascarenhas T (2018) (Ed). Women'S Health And Biomechanics. Where Medicine And Engineering Meet. Cham: Springer.
  3. Brazelton TB, Sparrow JD (2003) A criança dos 3 aos 6 anos – O desenvolvimento emocional e do comportamento, 1st ed., Editorial Presença. ISBN: 9789722319300
  4. Chamberlain D (2003) A mente do seu recém-nascido. 1st ed., Hugin Editores. ISBN 972-794-172-9
  5. Finnie NR (2000) O manuseio em casa da criança com paralisia cerebral. 3rd ed., Editora Manole. ISBN: 9788520410394
  6. KNGF Guideline for Physical Therapy in patients with Stress urinary incontinence (2011) Supplement to the Dutch Journal of Physical Therapy; 121 (3)
  7. Laycock J & Haslam J (eds.) (2007) Therapeutic management of incontinence and pelvic pain: pelvic organ disorders. 2nd Ed., London: Springer-Verlag.
  8. Mottola M, Davenport M, Ruchat S-M, Davies G, Poitras V, Gray C, Zehr L (2018) 2019 Canadian guideline for physical activity throughout pregnancy. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52,1339–1346.
  9. Souza E (2007) Fisioterapia Aplicada à Obstetrícia: Aspetos de Ginecologia e Neonatologia. 4th ed. Rio de Janeiro : MEDSI - Editora Médica e Científica Lda.