1st cycle of studies in Nutrition

Food Policy3

Políticas Alimentares

Curse code:9554404

Alexandra Gabriela de Almeida Bento Pinto

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The goal of the Food Policy curricular unit is to study the factors, strengths and the interveners involved in the various stages of the food chain: production, processing, distribution and consume, giving the student managing and leadership abilities in order to promote the development of actions to encourage the access and ingestion of some specific foods which could improve the nutritional and health status among the population.

  1. Basic concepts in nutritional policy.
  2. Theory principles of politics.
  3. Ellaboration of nutritional intersector nutritional policies in Europe and outsider Europe.
  4. Analysis of national nutritional policies.
  5. Planning and establishing of informational systems which support decision taking in nutritional policies.
  6. Ethical principles in nutritional policies.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Bento A (2016) Políticas para as doenças crónicas não transmissíveis em Portugal: uma retrospetiva desde a criação do Serviço Nacional de Saúde. Contributos para uma política nutricional em Portugal
  • Ribeiro I, Graça P, Santos J & Carmo I (2012) O futuro da alimentação, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. ISBN: 978-972-31-1486-7
  • Lang T, Barling D & Caraher M (2009) Food Policy: Integrating health, environment and society, Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198567882
  • Caraher M & Coveney J (2004) Public Health Nutrition and Food Policy, Public Health Nutrition 7(5):591-598
  • Hawkes C (2012) Linking agricultural policies with obesity and no communicable diseases: A new perspective for a globalising world, Food Policy 37(3):343-353

Additional Info

  • Institution/School: Institution/School