1st cycle of studies in Nutrition

Pharmacology applied to Nutrition Sciences3

Farmacologia Aplicada às Ciências da Nutrição

Course code:9554209

Maria Deolinda Ferreira dos Santos Auxtero

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

This course aims at a basic approach of pharmacology applied to nutrition science, with particular emphasis on the most common therapeutic groups in pathological situations somehow related to nutritional disorders (Antianemic, antacids, digestive drugs, etc.).
Students should understand the action of drugs in the body and know its beneficial and deleterious effects.
They should also understand the drug-drug and food -drug interactions.
In short, the students should be able to understand the principles of Pharmacology and understand the mechanisms and effects of drugs and their effects on nutrition. In practical classes, a practical approach is carried out through the analysis and discussion of clinical cases.
The importance of this subject is justified by the growing demand of health professionals to work in multidisciplinary teams (doctors, pharmacists, nutritionists, physical therapists, nurses, etc.).

  1. Introduction to the study of drugs.
  2. Study of drug action.
  3. Drugs with an interest in Nutrition: Antianaemic, hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic drugs, drugs acting on the autonomic and central nervous system and digestive system. Pain killers. Antibiotics, antihypertensive, diuretic and cardiac drugs. Pharmacology of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Interactions.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Rang HP, Dale MM & Ritter JM (2012) Farmacologia, 7th ed., Trad. Tatiana Ferreira Robaina, Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier. ISBN 978-85-352-4172-3
  • Pronsky ZM & Crowe JP (2012) Food medication interactions: the foremost drug nutrient interaction resource, 17th ed., Birchrunville: Food Medication Interactions. ISBN 978-0-9710896-5-5
  • Nelms MN, Long S & Lacey K (2009) Medical nutrition therapy : a case study approach, 3rd ed., Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-0-495-55476-9
  • Meckling KA (2007) Nutrient-drug interactions, Boca Raton: CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-57444-915-0



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  • Institution/School: Institution/School