General Microbiology
Microbiologia Geral
Curse code:9554122
Nuno Eduardo Moura dos Santos da Costa Taveira
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
This curricular unit aims at comparing and integrating the morphology, constitution, nutrition, metabolism and genetics of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites and their positive and negative (disease-generating) interaction with humans. At a practical laboratory level the objective of this course unit is to enable the student to plan, execute and interpret different methods of detection and laboratory identification of bacteria and fungi at the level of genus and species. Finally, the student should learn to perform and interpret bacterial susceptibility tests to antibiotics.
At the end of this CU the student should be able to characterize the different types of microorganisms in their different dimensions, including the diseases they cause to the Man. He/she should also know how to use phenotypic and molecular methods to isolate, identify and quantify microorganisms. Finally the student should know how to perform and interpret bacterial susceptibility tests to antibiotics.
- History of Microbiology.
- Functional anatomy of the bacterial and fungi cell.
- Nutrition of microorganisms.
- Impact of environmental factors on microbial growth.
- Microbial metabolism.
- Genetics and bacterial evolution.
- 7. Mechanisms of action of antimicrobials and mechanisms of microbial resistance to these agents.
- Characteristics of the human microbiome in health and some diseases.
- Impact of food intake in the human gut microbiome.
- Food and waterborne parasitology.
- Food and water-borne cryptosporidiosis.
- Zoonotic Echinococcus spp. Cestodes.
- Parasite contamination of berries.
- Foodborne and waterborne zoonotic sarcocystosis.
- Effects of anisakid nematodes on fish and consumer health.
- Fish-borne, zoonotic cestodes (Diphyllobothrium and relatives).
- Fishborne zoonotic heterophyid infections.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Barroso H, Silvestre AM & Taveira N (2014) Microbiologia Médica, Vol. 1, LIDEL. ISBN: 978-989-752-057-0
- Barroso H, Silvestre AM & Taveira N (2014) Microbiologia Médica, Vol. 2, LIDEL, Portugal. ISBN: 978-972-757-576-3
Additional Info
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